Getting off Kidney Disease: the natural way
The program that made all this possible was developed by Dr. Duncan Capicchiano: click here for more info about it.
Hello, my name is Michael Wright and I’m writing this to tell everyone
How I’ve reversed Kidney Disease
In August 2011 I was told to do tests in the hope of a kidney transplant. That was the motivation that I needed to step up my researches, to read and study all that I can about kidney disease and possible treatments.
That’s how I’ve found The Kidney Disease Solution.
It’s not a secret that when I started The Kidney Disease Solution I was a firm believer of the possibilities of the program.
For months, before and after discovering this program, I have been doing thorough researches about chronic kidney disease and related therapies.
Till now, this method has proven to be the only one doing well for the vast majority of the patients. I’ll explain why I’m saying this in a minute.
Nevertheless, the results produced on my body by this program shocked everybody, my nephrologist, my family and myself too.
The first blood test, done just 7 weeks after starting The Kidney Disease Solution showed this
- Kidney Function went from 9% (stage 5) to 21% (stage 4)
- Creatinine went from 705 to 388 (60 ā 125)
- Urea went from 55 to 19 (2.13 ā 2.63)
- Calcium went from 1.70 to 2.44 (2.13 ā 2.63).
It took just 7 short weeks to go from dialyzing three days a week to dialyzing just one day a week.
And this is not all.
Today, Iām no longer on kidney dialysis.
It took a little bit more than 7 weeks to go out of dialysis completely, but still today, after three years, the simple fact that I’m able to truly live my life again seems too good to be true.
Obviously I’m regularly monitoring my conditions. Things are going better and better for my kidneys. Latest blood test showed another improvement.
The doctor says that the herbal treatment I’m still following has saved my kidneys, if not my life.
Lately, I’ve decided to open this blog and a Youtube Channel to share my experience with the people.
I’ve learned a lot from this. Obviously I’m not the only one using this The Kidney Disease Solution, a lot of people are benefiting from this treatment, and some of them watched my videos and decided to post a public comment.
Some of these seemed really enlightening, so I’ve decided to add a few these comments here.
That’s why I want to say thanks to Dr. Duncan Capicchiano one more time for the wonderful program he has developed.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.