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Published on September 15th, 2020 | by Michaelw


Adaptogens Herbal Remedies to Lower Creatinine

In this video: the 4 most powerful adaptogens you can use to fight stress, high blood pressure and, ultimately, to lower your creatinine levels.
Adaptogens are a select group of herbs (and some mushrooms) that support and restore the body’s natural balance.
And there’s a lot of buzz surrounding adaptogens these days, I got a lot of comments from you guys asking about ashwagandha and some of the other remedies.
And I get it, some of these herbs have very powerful properties and, spoiler alert, they can really do what they promise.
But you should also consider that many of the supplements on the market can be dangerous, especially for people with kidney disease.
So, what I did for this video was finding out what adaptogens are actually safe and effective and what they can do to help you!

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My name is Katherine and this is 00kidney, welcome to our journey together to a better kidney health!
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Before I start, I want to clarify just one thing:
I don’t believe in panaceas and in other miracle cures that are supposed to heal everyone and everything.
If someone tells you that there’s a remedy to cure every illness, they’re probably lying.
So, I wouldn’t be making this video if I wasn’t sure that the Adaptogens I’m showing you today can help people suffering from CKD.
I’m telling you this because all Adaptogens have one main benefit in common: they can be used to treat stress – and stress is a known risk factor of kidney disease.
Let’s start now, with what’s maybe the most popular adaptogen


Of all the adaptogens, this is the one that’s going to even things out.
Unlike the other remedies I’ll show you next, this one isn’t going to boost your energy.
It will help you calm and rest, instead. Which can be great for people with hypertension.
Also known as Indian ginseng the root of Ashwagandha has long been used in Ayurveda.
But, can it help people with kidney problems?
Well, there are lab and animal studies to show that ashwagandha has three very important benefits for your kidneys.
First of all, Ashwagandha has been shown to substantially reduce cortisol levels, reduce anxiety, and alleviate symptoms in those with chronic stress conditions.
Yes, Ashwagandha seems really effective at lowering the symptoms of stress and anxiety.
Now, don’t underestimate this property.
Stress can really mess up your heart and your blood pressure, something you absolutely don’t want if you care about your kidneys.
So, if you’re stressed, this root can help.
Now, the other reason I think Ashwagandha can help, is its kidney protecting effect.
In a study, the commercially available powdered root of Withania somnifera was administered in rats at the same time as an antibiotic known to cause kidney damage.
It was observed that the rats taking ashwagandha took significant less damage to their kidneys than the rats taking just the antibiotic.
And, while there’s the need for more studies before this can be proven true for humans too, the results on animals are still very significant.
Also, Ashwaganda may help lower blood sugar levels.
Most of these benefits are linked to dosages of 500-600 mg per day taken for at least one month.
It’s should be easy enough to find it as a powder on or at your local herbal store.
But remember that if you have kidney disease, you should always clear the use of supplements with your doctor.

Now, the next adaptogen is used to fight fatigue, but it also has some very interesting health benefits backed by science.
Let’s take a look


or Huang Qi is one of the fifty fundamental herbs in traditional Chinese medicine.
Astragalus, as an adaptogen is used to fight fatigue, but is also has several health benefits, including immune-boosting, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects.
Astragalus is also believed to prolong life and it’s used to treat a wide variety of ailments, such as fatigue, allergies and the common cold.
It’s also used against heart disease, high Blood Sugar Levels and other conditions.
These benefits may be really helpful for kidney health.
If you have kidney disease, taking care of your heart health and blood sugar levels is vital.
Now, does astragalus really do what it promises?
Well, there’s a very interesting review of studies about the benefits of Astragalus for people with kidney disease.
Researchers included 22 studies that involved 1323 kidney patients, of whom 241 were receiving dialysis treatment.
Now, this is really interesting.
According to the author, Astragalus significantly increased Creatinine Clearance, an indicator of kidney function comparable to GFR and also decreased creatinine levels and proteinuria in many of the participants of the study.
The author also indicates that the effects were more visible in patients in the initial stages of kidney disease.
Really encouraging results, in my opinion, since many of the kidney disease patients involved in these studies got great benefits in term of kidney function from the use of this adaptogen.
But not all the participants of these studies got the same results.
And, while this is to be expected when we look at a review of studies conducted with different methods, it still suggests caution.
Even if these studies suggest that astragalus may help improve kidney function in those with kidney disease.
So, before rushing to buy yourself some of this wonderful herbal remedy, also consider that astragalus can have interaction with diabetes and anti-hypertension drugs.
It will make them more effective. Which is to be expected, it’s not really a side effect, but still, be careful and inform your doctor if you want to try it.
Now, let’s take a look at the next remedy. This one may look like it’s coming from a sci-fi movie, but it’s actually a really ancient remedy.


This adaptogen is maybe the opposite of Ashwagandha.
First, Cordyceps is not even an herb: it’s a tiny, strange-looking sac fungus that behaves as a rather nasty parasitic species.
Documented in traditional Chinese Medicine since the 15th century, cordyceps has been and still is used as a “primary Jing tonic”, taken to stimulate the life force.
This is why I think it’s the opposite of Ashwagandha.
But, just like Ashwagandha, Cordyceps, like other adaptogens, is used to assist the body in creating and maintaining balance during times of stress.
It’s supposed to directly influence how our cells make ATP, the body’s energy currency, and enhances oxygen utilization.
Ok, but, can this remedy help people suffering from kidney disease?
Well, cordyceps is now becoming popular even in Europe and in the US, thanks to several studies proving its benefits.
Cordyceps has very interesting properties in fighting inflammation, fighting tumors, boosting strength and in reducing fatigue.
Cordyceps also contains a special type of sugar that may help treat diabetes.
Here is the best part: in a review of 22 studies on cordyceps, almost 1000 kidney patients were found to have significantly lowered their creatinine levels with the use of this wonderful remedy.
Now, these patients were not on dialysis and were still following the prescribed therapies for kidney disease.
They basically were able to reduce their creatinine levels, reduce proteinuria and also hemoglobin and serum albumin levels.
This basically means an all-around improvement in kidney health and kidney function.

The only problem with all these researches is that, while cordyceps is a very ancient remedy, scientists started to carefully study it just recently.
And while these findings are extremely encouraging, we need bigger numbers to be sure about these results.
Still, a lot of people are already using cordyceps and this remedy is already approved in the US by the FDA and it’s considered safe.
Now, what you see here are Cordyceps sinensis. They are fungi growing on worms.
This is a very difficult to harvest remedy and carries a price tag of more than $9,000 USD per pound.
For this reason, the majority of Cordyceps supplements contain a synthetically grown version called Cordyceps CS-4.
To ensure you buy high-quality Cordyceps supplements, look for brands that carry the United States USP seal or the International NSF seal.
These are third-party organizations that ensure supplements contain the ingredients listed on the label, without impurities.
So, just like for the foods you eat, you should also check very carefully the labels of the supplements you take.
In any case, you should be able find this remedy easily, if you think you need an energy and kidney health boost.
The dosage commonly used in human research is 1,000-3,000 mg per day.
Ok, the last, and maybe most powerful adaptogen is…


Turmeric is used in Ayurvedic medicine, a holistic approach to health that originated in India over 3,000 years ago.
Today Turmeric, and especially its most active compound, curcumin, have many scientifically-proven health benefits.
It’s a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and may help improving symptoms of depression and arthritis.
But it’s also often used to treat nausea.
And while these properties are useful, what’s really interesting about turmeric is its powerful anti-inflammatory ability.
Chronic kidney disease, like diabetes and cardiovascular disorders, is an inflammatory disease.
A natural remedy like turmeric that can reduce the inflammation will go a great way in slowing down the progression of these diseases, while soothing the symptoms.
As an anti-inflammatory, turmeric protects against chronic kidney disease and progression to end-stage renal failure, according to a 2014 article published in the journal Molecules.
The curcumin in turmeric blunts the effects of the inflammatory molecules and enzymes that cause chronic kidney disease.
Yes, curcumin actually blocks different substances that play a role in causing inflammation in the kidneys, according to recent studies.
But there’s more,
because turmeric can also lower high blood pressure.
MedlinePlus reports that taking turmeric for three months may help reducing blood pressure in people with kidney inflammation.
Another study found out that curcumin, the active ingredient of turmeric, can even stabilize and decrease blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
This can be really useful in managing the complications of diabetes, including diabetic kidney disease.
Turmeric is considered safe in the recommended dose of about half teaspoon a day.
People that should be careful with turmeric are those suffering from kidney stones, those on anti-clotting medications and pregnant women.
So, again, always consult your doctor before starting to take any supplement or herbal remedy.

Ok guys, this was our last one for today.
it’s clear in my opinion that at least some adaptogens can help people with kidney disease, especially those in the early stages of CKD.
And while caution is always the best approach, I always feel relieved to know that there are herbs that can give you a significant help without dangerous side effects.
A new video is coming next Friday, don’t forget to subscribe if you already haven’t.
Thank you for watching!


About the Author

Hi, my name is Michael and in this blog I'm gonna share the story of how I got off kidney dialysis for good. Getting off dialysis isn't easy at all, and that's why I'm trying to help people as much as I can.

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