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Published on December 14th, 2021 | by Katherine


How to repair your kidneys by eating more alkaline

There are 5 very easy good habits all kidney patients
should pick up – they can restore kidney function, even in the advanced stages.

FACT, large reviews of studies proved that even patients
in stage 4 can stop kidney disease progression – and in some cases restore some
of their kidney function – when they replace acidic foods with alkaline ones.

Yes, it’s that easy!

In treating kidney disease, many doctors overlook the diet to focus more on medications.

While I will never tell you to disregard what your doctor
says, there are studies to confirm that eating differently can really mean a
lot for your kidneys.

Let’s see immediately how to do this!

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There are 5 very easy good habits all kidney patients should pick up – they can restore kidney function, even in the advanced stages.
And science confirms that!

Katherine here, today’s video is all about the top 5 best good habits to make your way of eating more alkaline!
FACT, large reviews of studies proved that even patients in stage 4 can stop kidney disease progression – and in some cases restore some of their kidney function – when they replace acidic foods with alkaline ones.
Yes, it’s that easy!
In treating kidney disease, many doctors overlook the diet to focus more on medications.
While I will never tell you to disregard what your doctor says, there are studies to confirm that eating differently can really mean a lot for your kidneys.
In almost a decade working with people suffering from kidney disease, I’ve met several patients who got more benefits from an improved diet than from any medication.
Some of them even reversed kidney disease, and I will prove you that is it possible in today’s video.
The reason why this is possible is simple: the kidneys are the organ in the body supposed to remove excess acidity from the food you eat.
This puts a lot of strain on them, more than what impaired kidneys can manage.
This is why the top 5 good habits I’ll show you today can make all the difference between a diet that’s helping your kidney health and one that’s causing kidney damage.
Let’s see immediately how to do this!

Our good habit number 5 is an easy and very tasty way of starting the day!
This recipe is not just very alkalizing, it will also help keep your blood pressure and cholesterol down!
Let’s see it!

Number 5
Oh, what do we have here! A very healthy and alkaline beet and ginger juice!
This is a very healthy morning drink that will help your kidneys get better!
A recipe similar to this was tested in CKD stage 4 and 5 patients and resulted in huge reduction in blood pressure!
The trick here is using amazingly healthy ingredients!
First of all, to make one cup of juice, we have one apple!
Wash it, dice it and put the pieces in the juicer!

Apples are incredibly heathy for people with kidney problems: they are packed with antioxidants and vitamins, great to protect the kidneys from inflammation!
Then let’s add a medium beetroot.
This small veggie right here can actually lower your blood pressure!
This superfood has been gaining popularity due to recent studies proving its efficacy in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
It’s all about the nitrates!
And, last, some ginger! This is a favorite of mine as it’s not just one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory foods on earth, it can also help relieve nausea quickly!

And our healthy, alkaline juice is ready!

What you need to know is that beets are medium high in potassium – about 250mg per beet.
But this doesn’t mean this recipe cannot be part of a healthy renal diet.
Recent research is disproving the link between serum potassium and dietary potassium.
Researchers now think that there’s a hidden cause for high potassium levels in people with kidney problems.
Do you want to know what it is? I’ve talked about this in my video up here!
But don’t go away yet!
I have 4, even more powerful good habits to show you!
Because the easiest way to repair damaged kidneys is by replacing foods that create acidity with those that remove it.
To do this, we just need to eat more of the incredibly healthy superfood that I’m going to show you next!

4) eat more of these alkaline superfoods!
Starting with
There are many berries you can eat, depending on the season, but they all have 3 things in common.
All berries are very rich in vitamins and powerful antioxidants.
They’re very low in potassium and they’re alkaline!

And also consider
We can almost say that Cabbage is a … low potassium version of kale – one of the healthiest foods on the planet!
In fact, it is part of the Brassica Oleracea family, which includes kale.
And while there are many varieties of cabbage, such as red, green, white and purple, they’re all incredibly alkaline!
And also consider:
Bell pepper
Peppers really pack a lot of vitamins – especially vitamin C, vitamin B6 and folic acid.
Red bell peppers are good for you because they also contain lycopene, an antioxidant that protects organs from damage.
They are very low in potassium – just 88 mg per half cup serving – and also, very, very alkaline!
I’ve kept the best for last,
Despite its bitter taste, kiwifruit will make your body more alkaline!
Kiwifruit is incredibly good for you because it’s one of the best sources of vitamin C available, actually better than citrus fruit!
Great for those with anemia!
And there’s even evidence that eating one kiwifruit a day may lower blood pressure more than one apple a day!
And the icing on the cake is that kiwifruits are incredibly alkaline!
A whopping minus 4.1 on the pral score!
Wait, what is the pral score?

PRAL stands for Potential Renal Acid Load.
It is a measurement of the amount of acid your kidneys will have to remove after eating 100g of a certain food.
Higher PRAL values indicate more acid is produced from that food.
Negative PRAL values indicate that the food is actually helping the kidneys removing acid.
So this score tells us, in short, how kidney friendly a food actually is!
Remember, the kidneys are the main organ supposed to remove excess acidity from the blood – so, the foods in this list with a negative score are going to help the kidneys, while those with a positive score, are going to burden them more.
While it’s safe to consider almost all greens very alkaline, almost all fruits alkaline and meat and fish generally acidic, there are some surprises.
But you don’t have to learn all this by heart!
This pdf I’m showing you is a very complete, list of foods with their pral score.
And you can download it for free right now so you can keep it on your phone or print it – link is in description.
Question, does the alkaline diet really work?

This is a question I always get asked – especially from people in the advanced stages of kidney disease.
Katherine, my doctor told me there’s no cure for kidney disease, just dialysis.
How come you’re saying that people can restore kidney function just by eating more alkaline?

In a study published in the most influential paper when it comes to kidney health – the Journal of Renal Nutrition – patients in stage 4 kidney disease were able to get back a significant amount of kidney function simply by removing meat from their diet and adding more fruits and vegetables.
We are talking pre-dialysis patients here, and this is all documented.

In particular,
one published case study was a pre-dialysis borderline stage 5 woman, with hypertension, diabetes and just one working kidney.
She was preparing for dialysis.
But, just by replacing meat in the diet with fruit and vegetables, her gfr immediately bounced back and was stable at around 25 for 4 years.
No more dialysis risk for her.
Another one

Male patient, stage 5 pre-dialysis, with severe cardiac dysfunction, was advised on a low-protein diet with added vegetables.
This is incredible, he was in stage 5, but just by reducing protein and acid foods intake he was able to avoid dialysis for the rest of his life.
During this study many other patients in stage 4 and 5 of CKD were able to stop the progression of CKD – some even to reverse it – just decreasing the quantity of meat and other high biological value protein sources such as eggs, fish and cheese and by eating more fruit and veggies.
Amazing, isn’t it?
Guys, I’m linking these studies down in description, if you want to VERIFY BY YOURSELF.
Bottomline here is that there are few things that really work to reverse kidney disease and switching to an alkaline diet is definitely one of them.
Maybe the most effective.
While it’s very important to know what foods to eat, as we have seen, knowing what foods to avoid is even more effective to protect your kidneys.

Let’s see now what some of the most dangerous kidney killer foods are!

3 foods to avoid
There are 5 categories of foods you should absolutely avoid in a renal diet.
Desserts and snacks, such as ice creams, candies, pastries and so on should always been avoided – especially by diabetics.
Added sugar causes inflammation, can make you gain weight and it’s addictive.
Also, these foods are acid forming.
Fried, High-fat foods and processed foods in general, are very acid forming too.
I want to make a point clear here. The type of processing matters when determining alkalinity.
Eating a food raw, dried, cooked, or boiled has the potential to change the chemical makeup of the food. Always prefer boiling and sauteing to deep frying.
Dairy should be avoided too.
Meat. Meat is one of the most acid forming foods on the menu. Also, it’s a source of protein.
Last group to avoid, Acid Inducing Drinks, especially dark colas.
They add a lot of acid to the body and damage the kidneys.
Now there’s a very cheap and safe home remedy that can easily undo some of the damage these foods may cause.
And not just that, it may even help with potassium levels and other complications of kidney disease.
Time for our number 2 now!
This is one of the most powerful remedies to improve your kidney health that there is!
Number 2 is…

Number 2
1) Use baking soda
Baking soda is a true miracle remedy for people with kidney problems.
All the good habits we have seen today have one aim: to help the kidneys keep the acid alkaline balance in the body.
The more acidic foods we ingest, the more burden on the kidneys.
On the other hand, baking soda is a base – extremely alkaline. It directly removes burden from the kidneys.
And this is why studies confirm that administering baking soda can effectively slow down the progression of kidney disease even in stage 4 CKD patients.
And not many people know this, but if your doctor prescribed you baking soda, you don’t need to go to the pharmacy and buy expensive and hard to find sodium bicarbonate tablets!
The baking soda supermarkets sell is 100% pure sodium bicarbonate and it’s safe to consume!
Now, while many patients just take 1g sodium bicarbonate 3 times a day with water and hope for the best, it’s always better to have a doctor that can get the dosage right.
There’s a test called sodium bicarbonate that will let your doctor know how much baking soda you need exactly.
Now guys, baking soda is incredibly powerful against kidney disease.
There’s only one thing better, actually.
This is our number one for today.
In many studies, this good habit was proven capable of completely stopping or even reversing the progression of kidney disease.
Doctors are still baffled at how well this works.

Number 1
Remove protein from the diet.
Foods high in protein such as meat, fish, dairy and eggs are some of the most acid forming foods you could be eating.
Not to mention that protein in them is going to directly damage the kidneys.
This is what a large review of studies, involving almost 3000 kidney disease patients, proved.
Actually, a diet very low in protein is proven to stop kidney disease progression even in the advanced stages.
In this video I’ve explained the easiest way in the world to implement this life saving diet.
Click here to know more!
And this is all for today, thank you for watching!

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About the Author

My name is Katherine and I've been working with people suffering from kidney disease and other kidney issues for almost 10 years now. If there's one thing I learned is that you should never give up!

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