Published on December 26th, 2021 | by Katherine
0[Kidney Health] most powerful anti-inflammatory food in the world
This is the most powerful superfood in the world when it
comes to kidney health!
If you are serious about repairing your kidneys never
underestimated it!
In this video, how to use the most powerful superfood in the world to protect your kidneys from inflammation and damage.
Persistent inflammation, a complication of kidney
disease, is both very painful and very dangerous for your kidneys.
It can cause arthritis, inexplicable body pains, and it’s
also linked to high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer.
This superfood has anti-inflammatory benefits so powerful
it can ease joint and arthritis pain, decrease inflammatory markers and protect
your kidneys!
Consuming it regularly may even help slow down kidney
More in this video!
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This is the most powerful superfood in the world when it comes to kidney health!
If you are serious about repairing your kidneys never underestimated it!
Katherine from 00kidney, welcome to our journey together to a better kidney health!
In this video, how to use the most powerful superfood in the world to protect your kidneys from inflammation and damage.
Persistent inflammation, a complication of kidney disease, is both very painful and very dangerous for your kidneys.
It can cause arthritis, inexplicable body pains, and it’s also linked to high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer.
Unfortunately, this condition is very common in those suffering from chronic kidney disease and it will also cause more kidney damage.
Now some good news.
This superfood has anti-inflammatory benefits so powerful it can ease joint and arthritis pain, decrease inflammatory markers and protect your kidneys!
Consuming it regularly may even help slow down kidney disease!
This is especially true for those suffering from diabetes.
In this review of studies, it was found to stabilize and decrease blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
It can effectively decrease the level of glucose in blood, as well as other diabetes-related complications, like kidney disease.
And it’s main benefit is against Chronic inflammation.
Chronic inflammation in our bodies is often caused by excess bad cholesterol, high blood pressure or high blood glucose – all very common in people with kidney problems.
We really want to quell these inflammatory “flames” because they often lead to the formation of fatty streaks throughout our arteries.
This can eventually lead to plaque build-up, kidney damage and even heart attacks.
And yes, it is proven that finding ways to curb the inflammation in the body can help lower your creatinine levels.
What can help us achieving this is turmeric!
This incredibly powerful anti-inflammatory superfood I’m talking about is turmeric.
Curcumin – the active compound in turmeric – is proven to blunts the effects of the inflammatory molecules and enzymes that cause chronic diseases.
And according to a recent study, consuming 500 milligrams (mg) of curcumin is as effective as taking 50 mg of a common arthritis medication at reducing inflammation in the body.
As a result, eating turmeric regularly will really help in reducing kidney damage.
Now, there’s only one big problem with turmeric. It’s bioavailability.
Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is very poorly absorbed by the body – you need something that enhances its absorption.
So watch the rest of the video so I can show you exactly how this may be solved!
While there are supplements that can solve this problem, I also want to show you a special recipe that will make turmeric 2000% more powerful!
This is a tasty drink – made from turmeric and other spices that will amplify the health benefits of turmeric.
Before this, let’s see exactly how to use turmeric and curcumin to extinguish the inflammation in the body and protect and repair the kidneys!
And I’m not saying this lightly!
A recent review of studies concluded that the effect of curcumin supplementation are so evident in lowering creatinine levels and delaying kidney disease progression, that this superfood should actually be prescribed by doctors in all those countries where the population cannot afford standard therapies for CKD.
The only problem here is that, as mentioned, curcumin is not well absorbed by the body.
So, question, how can we overcome this problem?
Now, if you want to start taking turmeric, the fastest route is finding a curcumin supplement.
Curcumin is the active compound here, the part of turmeric with medicinal properties.
It is poorly absorbed by the body, as I was saying, so supplements are also going to contain a substance to improve curcumin absorption.
Most commonly piperine, or black powder extract, but also essential oil or soy lecithin.
Recommended dosage is 500mg of curcumin 3 times a day if the supplement comes with piperine and 500 mg 2 times a day if with essential oil or soy lecithin.
Turmeric is considered safe in the recommended dosages, and it’s usually taken together with food.
People that should be careful with turmeric are those suffering from kidney stones, those on anti-clotting medications and pregnant women.
Also, don’t forget to consult your doctor before starting this or any other supplementation.
Turmeric is however considered very safe, even in people suffering from chronic kidney disease.
Even when doses up to 12 grams per day were tested, they were found to be safe, with negligible side effects.
Now, what about a recipe that not only will give you the benefits of turmeric, but it’s also really delicious?
This is a powerful drink – made from turmeric and other spices that will amplify the health benefits of turmeric.
This is a special Golden milk and it’s 2000% more powerful at fighting the inflammation than just eating regular turmeric!
How is this possible?
Well, golden milk is made from some of the most powerful anti-inflammatory spices in the word: curcumin, ginger and black pepper.
Do you want to see my special – kidney friendly – recipe for golden milk?
Here we go!
We just need almond milk, half cup. I prefer almond milk because it’s the most kidney friendly milk alternative YOU CAN FIND.
Let’s warm it up.
Now, in a cup let’s combine
1 tsp ground turmeric
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 Tbsp coconut oil – don’t skip the coconut oil because it will help make the curcumin more bioavailable.
1 pinch ground black pepper.
If you want to change the recipe, never remove black pepper!
The piperine in Black pepper is key here, it is the most effective way of making the curcumin in turmeric available to the body.
This is how you get the anti-inflammatory and kidney health benefits!