Published on November 6th, 2020 | by Katherine
1This Kidney Detox may be a REAL Alternative to Dialysis
Hello, Katherine from 00kidney here.
Welcome to our journey together to a better kidney health!
There are 3 surprising ways to cleanse and, most important, to detox your kidneys you may not know about.
This is not your everyday kidney cleanse with smoothies and teas.
These 3 unusual ways to detox the body may be extremely beneficial for your kidneys, they may even give you a significant improvement in kidney health.
In particular, the first one I want to show you today is a home remedy with cleansing properties so powerful that it has even been used as an alternative to dialysis in patients with stage 5 kidney disease.
And it’s incredible that I’ve never talked about this remedy, it’s really impressive what it can do.
Click to Download the Pral Score Food List PDF
Activated charcoal
Ok, What is Activated charcoal and why is it interesting for us.
Activated charcoal is a fine, odorless, black powder often used in emergency rooms to treat overdoses and poisoning.
It’s especially useful to clear the body from toxins, drugs and some sedatives.
But it also has a wide range of cosmetic uses, and it’s often used as a remedy against bloating, gas, diarrhea and more.
The reason why this remedy is interesting for us is
it’s ability to bind to toxins in the digestive system and to remove them.
This cleansing property also seems to work on the undigested toxins impaired kidneys may be unable to filter.
Activated charcoal seems to be especially effective at removing toxins derived from urea, uremic toxins, the main byproduct of protein digestion.
Uremia, excess of uremic toxins, is the cause of most symptoms associated with stage 4 and 5 of kidney disease, including itching – or uremic pruritus – but also swelling, trouble breathing and nausea. It’s basically the worst enemy of people with kidney disease.
So it’s clear that if this remedy is able to help you get rid of it, it will be incredibly helpful.
It would remove a lot of burden from the kidneys and help them improve.
And there are several animal studies to show that activated charcoal may prevent damage correlated to kidney disease.
Now, as I was saying, activated charcoal has also been used as an alternative to dialysis.
There’s a small study conducted on 9 stage-5-patients who refused to start dialysis and decided to use this remedy instead.
They where instead treated with activated charcoal and a very low protein diet and were tested after 10 months.
The results are somehow shocking. These people needed dialysis and didn’t receive it.
The treatment with activated charcoal was so effective that all of them had a significant decrease in blood urea and creatinine levels.
Take a look.
This is a study published on a respectable peer reviewed paper
Now, before you even think about starting using this remedy, there’s one important issue with Activated charcoal I want to show you.
While it is true that activated charcoal is widely used to treat various problems, and it’s also true that it has been used, with some success, as an alternative treatment to dialysis, there’s a significant difference in dosage between the safe dose and the dose used to treat patients in stage 5.
In the study that I’ve shown you earlier, patients with kidney disease stage 5 where administered 30 grams – note that I’m talking about grams, not milligrams – of Activated charcoal per day.
Now, we’re talking about a lot of Activated charcoal here, it’s not a few pill per day, it’s the whole bottle. As you may see, the dosage recommended to treat gas and bloating and to detox the body is 1.200 milligrams per day.
So you may imagine that there will be a huge difference in results between taking 30 grams per day and 1 gram per day.
Also, while the side effect of taking 1.200 milligrams of this supplement per day are negligible, taking 30 grams of it will cause a mess if not properly supervised.
Activated charcoal also binds to and removes vitamins and nutrients your body needs.
But, don’t lose hope about this remedy because there could be a way to solve this problem.
Activated charcoal in the highest dosage is being studied right now in patients with stage 3-4 chronic kidney disease.
the hope of the researchers is to find a way not just to avoid dialysis, but to effectively slow down the progression of CKD and to lower creatinine levels in patients.
We are going to see some results from this study in 2021, so I’m keeping an eye on this study and my finger crossed because the possible applications of a treatment like this are amazing.
Now, if you didn’t know about the incredible possibilities of activated charcoal based detox, you may be asking yourself what to do with this new knowledge.
My advice? There are several clues that tell us that this remedy may be helpful and safe for people with kidney disease stage 3 and 4, so consult your doctor, show them the studies that I’ve cited in this video and see if this remedy may be of help for you.
And also share this video with anyone you know who may want to improve their kidney health, they may be interested in knowing more about this remedy.
But as usual, I don’t recommend taking supplements without an informed opinion from a doctor.
It may be dangerous, especially when dosages vary this much.
Now, before rushing to your doctor, there are other very surprising ways of detoxing your kidneys I want to show you today.
The second uncommon detox is,
the heavy metal detox
If you have kidney disease, you are more at risk for the danger posed by heavy metals.
today I want to show you how to avoid this treat.
first, why are heavy metals a problem for people with kidney disease?
Pollution is an always growing concern.
It causes heavy metals to be on the ground we walk on, in the food we eat, in the water we drink, and in the products we use every day.
This makes a small amount of heavy metal contamination unavoidable for everyone.
But this contamination may become more dangerous when our body is not able to get rid of the toxins.
This happens when the kidneys are impaired.
To make things worse, the kidney is the filter of the body and usually it’s the organ most affected by toxin exposure and heavy metals especially.
What are heavy metals
The heavy metals most commonly associated with poisoning of humans are lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium.
These are substances that can easily build up without the at-risk party even being aware of many of the related symptoms until it is far too late.
For example, lead poisoning may affect production workers, battery plant workers, welders and solders and causes high blood pressure, Pain in the abdomen or joints and nausea.
Mercury poisoning usually affects chemical workers, dental assistants and hygienists, and also people who eat a lot of fish.
It directly affects the kidneys and can cause fatigue, depression, irritability, and headaches.
Arsenic poisoning is rarer, but may affect those living in industrial areas. This is another poisoning that directly affects the kidneys.
Now, there are various other type of heavy metal poisoning possible and various other symptoms.
Heavy metal toxicity results in damage of the central nervous system, blood, lungs, kidneys, liver and other organs;
Now, it’s important to understand that heavy metal poisoning is actually rare.
But it is often associated with kidney problems. It can cause kidney problems.
So, if you have kidney disease and IF YOU ALSO are in an environment where you’re especially prone to heavy metal exposure, get checked
But consider that tests for heavy metals aren’t routine.
Your doctor would test you only if you show symptoms and there is a history of exposure or a good reason to suspect they are related to heavy metals.
Now, People more exposed are those who
Work in a factory that uses heavy metals
Breathe in old lead paint dust (maybe while doing home improvements)
Eat fish caught in an area with high levels of mercury
Use herbal medicines that have heavy metals in them
Use dinnerware that hasn’t been coated well
Drink water contaminated with heavy metal.
But Industrial waste should be the number one suspect in case of metal poisoning.
The bottom-take here is that heavy metal poisoning is a serious health issue.
while it only applies to few people, it’s still better to be aware of this danger and find ways to get rid of the toxicity.
Now, there’s another detox that may be surprisingly beneficial – and this one works for basically anyone with kidney disease, especially those in stage 3 and 4.
The alkaline detox.
FACT. Keeping the right acid alkaline balance is surprisingly difficult for people with kidney disease.
This happens because healthy kidneys are usually going to be able to efficiently regulate your blood pH level (acid concentration) by removing the excess acid you get from what you eat.
But when you have kidney disease, it’s more difficult for your kidneys to remove all this extra acid from your blood.
All this acid will cause damage to your body and also put a lot of strain on the kidneys, a lot of extra work.
This is why it may be surprisingly beneficial to detox your kidneys from excess acid.
How do you do this?
There are two ways.
First, you should focus on eating more alkaline foods and less acidic foods.
Now, the benefits of a diet rich in alkaline foods are many, it may promote weight loss, prevent heart disease and osteoporosis, it may even help detoxing and repairing the kidneys.
But, what foods are more alkaline for your kidneys? To answer this question, we need to take a look at the PRAL SCORE of foods.
the PRAL score is very important, it’s the only way to understand how foods are going to interact with our kidneys in term of acid load.
PRAL actually means “potential renal acid load”. Remember, the kidneys are the organ supposed to remove excess acidity from the blood.
This number tells us exactly how much workload are the foods we eat going to put on the kidneys, in a term of acid load.
A higher PRAL score (indicated by a positive number) means that a particular food is very acid-forming, while a lower PRAL score (indicated by a negative number) classifies it as alkaline, meaning that it removes stress from the kidneys.
Now guys, in this pdf I have here we may see a very complete list of foods with their pral score.
While it’s safe to consider almost all greens very alkaline, almost all fruits alkaline and meat and fish generally acidic, there are some surprises.
For example kiwifruit is minus 4.1, as we can see, meaning that even if the fruit itself has an acidic taste, it will not add more acidity to the body.
It will actually decrease it. Same for lemon, for example.
Other excellent examples of healthy foods which will make your body more alkaline include kale, arugula, parsley and many other greens.
Now, this is the most complete list of foods and their pral score I have.
And you can download it if you want. It is available for download from my website and the link is in description.
Click to Download the Pral Score Food List PDF
You can even print it and use it as a reference next time you go grocery shopping.
Adding more alkaline foods to your diet will be a great way to detox your kidneys from excess acid. Just be careful and consult your doctor before doing significant changes to your diet.
I also wanted to answer a question many of you guys asked me in my previous video about morning breakfast and coffee.
By the way, if you haven’t watched that one yet, save it because it was really interesting.
However, many of you asked me if coffee is acidic and if it can be unhealthy for someone with kidney disease.
Well, just like kiwifruit and lemon, coffee may taste acidic, but it won’t increase the acid load on the kidneys.
It will slightly decrease it, as we can see here.
Which is good news, in my opinion, given how many health benefits coffee has.
Now, the second way to restore the acid-alkaline balance of the body is baking soda. Baking soda is a base, and this means that it will neutralize the excess of acid in the body. Yes, it detoxes the body from acid.
When properly used, baking soda can make your body more alkaline, can lower your serum potassium levels and can even help patients slow down the progression of chronic kidney disease.
But baking soda is not going to give everyone the same results.
You need to be very accurate with the dosage and to get tested regularly.
I’ve made a full video to explain how this works, it’s up here if you want to know more.
A new video is coming next Tuesday, as usual, if you don’t want to miss it, subscribe and set the notification bell to all.
In the meantime, keep taking good care of your kidneys and be good to yourself.
This is all for today, thank you for watching!
Hi Katherine, thank you for your highly informative and encouraging videos. God bless you richly for all you do. I’d just like to know some of the ways we can actually detox heavy metals.
Are there any particular foods or supplements that will help? This is specifically for people with impaired kidney function.
Thank you in advance for your response. Stay safe and blessings.