Published on June 17th, 2022 | by Katherine
0Lower proteinuria to avoid dialysis
Taking this remedy for just 3 months has been proven to
lower proteinuria levels by 36.7% in stage 3 and 4 chronic kidney disease
This is the most effective way in the world to avoid
In this video: the most effective way in the world to
avoid dialysis.
In this video we will see 5 very easy steps every single
kidney disease patient should be taking to reduce proteinuria levels.
FACT if you have kidney problems, and you want to avoid
dialysis, the main lab value you should be concerned with is proteinuria
It’s recent news that the Clinical Practice Guideline for
the treatment of kidney disease changed to include UACR, or proteinuria, as a
main indicator of kidney health.
This led to the reclassification of kidney disease by the
Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guideline
based on the estimated GFR (eGFR) and UACR rather than by eGFR alone.
This happened because proteinuria is the most reliable
way to predict if a patient’s kidney function is going to get worse – no matter
the stage or the cause of CKD.
This is why today I want to focus on ways to make sure
this level always stays in the right range.
This video is a top 5 of remedies, foods and good habits
every kidney disease patient should consider to lower proteinuria levels fast
and AVOID dialysis.
DON’T miss our number 1 in particular, that remedy is a proven way to lower your proteinuria levels SIGNIFICANTLY in just 3 MONTHS!
Before that, let’s start with some incredibly healthy
More in this video!
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