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Published on November 30th, 2021 | by Katherine


This vitamin lowers proteinuria (and protects the kidneys)

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Taking 25 mcg of this vitamin every day would lower proteinuria FAST and decrease creatinine levels… according to science!

Katherine from 00kidney here, welcome to our journey together to a better kidney health.
Let’s talk about proteinuria.
Proteinuria, or protein in the urine, is THE MOST IMPORTANT marker of kidney disease progression.
In people with kidney disease, having unusually high levels of protein in the urine is strongly associated with a faster decline in kidney function.
This means that doctors use proteinuria levels to reliably PREDICT if a patient will have kidney failure in the near future.
(A mass screening involving 107 192 participants in Okinawa, Japan, identified proteinuria as the most powerful predictor of ESRD risk over 10 years in the general population)
Now, proteinuria is also extremely important for people WITHOUT diagnosed chronic kidney disease too.
In case of proteinuria, a foam may be present on the urine and this is often the very first visible symptom of damage to the kidneys.
To look on the bright side
There are vitamins, tips and remedies I want to show you today – because they are proven to help with proteinuria levels and kidney health.
So don’t worry if your levels are high or if you have foam in the urine, there are ways to protect your kidneys.
Because treatments that are effective at lowering proteinuria also reduce the risk of progression of kidney disease and its complications.
So, let’s see immediately How to Lower Protein in the urine
In today’s video I want to focus on the 3 most powerful ways to stop proteinuria.
Starting with our number 3. This is actually very good news.

Researchers have recently discovered that there’s a vitamin that can significantly reduce the severity of proteinuria among patients with CKD.
This is a very cheap, easy to find supplement that can actually save the life of people with kidney disease!

Number 3, Vitamin d
Vitamin d really is the kidney vitamin!
Low vitamin d levels have been linked to fatigue, frequent infections, bone pain, a dozen other nasty symptoms AND a faster decline in kidney function.
Vitamin d is also crucial for calcium absorption.
In case of a deficiency, your bones will be robbed and you will be at high risk for fractures.
And getting vitamin D levels back to normal trough supplementation has many, many benefits.
It can improve immune function, help fight diabetes… it even lowers blood pressure and protect the kidneys from proteinuria.
This is what a recent study found out, actually.
Supplementary low-dose active vitamin D could significantly reduce the severity of proteinuria and creatinine levels among patients with CKD.
This study also corroborates a recently proven association between low serum vitamin D levels and a faster decline in kidney function.
researchers believe that the sooner you start taking vitamin d, the better.

But wait a moment before starting to take vitamin D3 – there’s a hidden risk connected to this vitamin very few people know about!

Because while taking vitamin D3 in the recommended dose of 25mcg per day works for some, unfortunately, some others may have vitamin d deficiency even when they supplement it.
There’s a common mineral deficiency in people with kidney disease that would prevent the absorption of vitamin d.
This means that people taking a vitamin supplement may not see improvements in the serum levels of vitamin d if they don’t supplement this key mineral too.
What to do then?
Don’t forget to get checked for vitamin d levels even if you’re already supplementing it.
Because keeping the levels of this vitamin in the correct range is not always easy – but it is crucial for your health.
And watch the rest of the video so I can show you exactly what to do to avoid this hidden danger of vitamin D.

It’s not a secret that up to 90% of kidney disease patients have low vitamin D levels.
This is why supplementing vitamin D3 in doses of 25mcg per day is very often recommended to people with kidney problems – it can lower your proteinuria levels fast.
Get checked for vitamin D levels even if you are supplementing it, though.

  • there’s a hidden cause for low vitamin D levels even in people supplementing it.
    More about this in today’s video!
    Before that, a very important question:
    How serious is proteinuria?

Proteinuria is increased levels of protein in the urine.
In those WITHOUT confirmed kidney disease, proteinuria is one of the first things doctors check in case of risk factors for kidney disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure or heart disease.
This is because protein should be present in the blood, but not in the urine.
When this happens, it means that the kidneys are already damaged.
This can happen even when kidney function, creatinine and GFR are normal.
So, if your doctor told you you have proteinuria, or if you have seen foam in your urine, and you have risk factors for kidney disease, take action.
Do all the tests you need to do and start treatment for kidney disease as soon as you can.
Kidney disease can be treated way more efficiently if it’s caught in the early stages.
Never wait to see if it gets better by itself. This never happens.
And as I was saying proteinuria levels are also very important for those WITH diagnosed kidney disease.
Even more important.
Because in case of abnormal proteinuria in respect to kidney function or GFR, your kidneys are at great risk.
Proteinuria basically makes kidney disease progress much faster in all the stages of CKD – it is a predictor of loss of kidney function.
And those with proteinuria are 40% more at risk for heart failure.
So, pay close attention to this level next time you do your routine checkup.

Now, here’s an incredibly powerful remedy to fight proteinuria and lower creatinine levels.
This is a mushroom with impressive, powerful benefits for the membrane of the nephron, the filtering unity of the kidney, the part that is supposed to keep protein outside of urine.

Number 2 is Reishi mushroom.
This fungus really has something miraculous about it.
It has a powerful effect in repairing the kidneys.
According to Recent research, Reishi has a protecting effect on the outer membrane of the nephron, the filtering unit of the kidney.
Researchers think that Reishi makes the kidney membrane less permeable, which in turn helps stop the erosion of the nephron.
This in turn lowers both proteinuria and creatinine levels.
Yes, when you start protecting the nephrons, the kidney can seriously improve.
And this is frankly amazing, because as we have seen reducing proteinuria also means reducing the chance of DYING from kidney disease.
And I know that many of you guys are concerned about safety with herbal remedies, and this one is pretty safe.
And while consulting a doctor before starting to take any herbal remedy is always the best thing to do, Reishi can be used for as long as one year, without significant side effects, according to studies.
Reishi is a remedy that was tested extensively, especially because in Japan Reishi mushroom is an approved adjunctive treatment for cancer.
And it also works for many other conditions, including high cholesterol levels and heart disease.
Reishi mushrooms are sold as an extract and you can easily find it on amazon .com or in herbal shops.
Special attention should be paid to the dosage used though.
The therapeutic dose of this remedy depends on the form of the supplement.
You can find the mushroom itself, the powder and the extract.
What you want is the extract.
The extract is the most potent form, the most studied and the safest.
The study on proteinuria in CKD patient used between 750 and 1100 mg/day of extract.
Taking reishi mushroom extract in doses between 750 and 1100 mg/day – an easy to find and cheap herbal remedy – has been shown to greatly reduce proteinuria and creatinine levels in kidney disease patients.
The incredible part is that there’s a remedy even more powerful in slowing down the progression of kidney disease and lowering proteinuria levels.

Before I show what it is, there’s one easy tip to greatly lower proteinuria and protect your kidneys you should absolutely know about.
If you take a blood pressure lowering medication, get your doctor to prescribe you angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs).
Because while all blood pressure medications… well… work to lower blood pressure, ARBs including losartan, telmisartan and more are the most powerful type of medications when it comes to protecting the kidneys.
These blood pressure medications can fight proteinuria pretty efficiently, much better than beta blockers for example.
So be careful with what medication you are taking.
Do your own research and question your doctor.
Actually, the property of these medicines of lowering proteinuria is well known and all doctors should know this, in theory.
But reality is often disappointing and patients may end up taking the wrong pill even for decades before they find out by themselves.
By the way, ACE inhibitors are effective too, but they often have worse side effects than ARBs.
Main side effect here is hyperkalemia, or too high potassium levels.
I’ve talked more in dept about this in my recent video, it’s up here if you want to know more.
Now guys, as I was saying there’s a mineral you absolutely need to supplement if you are supplementing vitamin D.
This is a very common deficiency in people with kidney problems and it’s also associated with increased blood pressure.
Our number 1 for today is…

Yes, this is one of the cheapest minerals to supplement and, according to recent research, it may save your life.
Magnesium deficiency is a common yet dangerous one.
In particular, a recent study found out that Vitamin D can’t be metabolized without sufficient magnesium levels.
Meaning Vitamin D remains stored and inactive for as many as 75% percent of kidney disease patients.
To make things worse, supplementing vitamin D without enough magnesium has been linked to vascular calcification – a cause of kidney damage and heart disease – and higher phosphate levels.
Magnesium is a mineral that’s crucial to the body’s function – just like for essential vitamins, you cannot live without enough of it.
It helps keep blood pressure normal, bones strong, and the heart rhythm steady.
So, consult your doctor and start supplementing magnesium too.
This mineral is also crucial for good sleep.
And your kidneys really need you to sleep well, as sleeping for 6 hours or less per night has been strongly linked to faster progression of kidney disease.
I’ve talked more in depth about magnesium and how to use it to sleep better in this video up here – watch it now if you have missed it!


About the Author

My name is Katherine and I've been working with people suffering from kidney disease and other kidney issues for almost 10 years now. If there's one thing I learned is that you should never give up!

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